I’m pitching for an opportunity to work on a potentially very exciting multi-country task. To prove that I’m up to the job, I needed to look for relevant images in my archives.
That’s always a dusty affair of rediscovering the evolution of USB technologies.
These drive-dives can be frustrating sometimes as I haven’t really archived my work in a consistent manner. But the result is always fruitful and nostalgic. And that’s really re-affirming for me — if I look back at old work and feel good about it, it means that all that time spent on work was worth something.
Anyway, one of the images I was looking for was this photograph of a Burmese farmer I shot during an assignment for EnterpriseSG. It’s an image that I’ve kept as part of my portfolio for a long time. Because of that, I always remembered only one version of the image (the one at the top of this post).
But… I found more!
I liked this version of the shot below, with a larger flower in the foreground.
I was also surprised to find a rare smile in the mix!
Technically, it was also nice to see the almost decade-old files responding well to modern-day LUTs — I am currently toying with Rebecca Lily’s Presets .
I’ll leave you with some little stories about other picks. If you’d like to see everything else, everywhere, all at once, you can head to this portfolio page i set up.